Our hope and prayer for KidsLife - is to be one link in the chain of the spiritual lives of your children. KidsLife is available for children ages infant to 5th grade. Check in begins at 10:00 AM and continues through the end of service. During our time together, we strive to teach your children from the Bible, sing songs, do crafts, have fun, and make new friends.
We are dedicated to the safety of all children, so our workers are all background checked and have been through Safety Training. We have policies in place to do our best to ensure their safety. For more information concerning KidsLife, please call 520-333-5788 or email Autumn.
Did you know the 120 minutes spent in church each week represents 1.2% of your child's time. The other 9,960 minutes of each week are not forgotten, at ALC we want to provide you the resources to continue you child's spiritual growth, maturity and education.
If you are unable to join us in-person - Please use this link for our Kids At Home material … very simple to use.
KidsLife Material - at Home LINK
One of the frequent questions we get, is what can I do as a parent to encourage the spiritual growth of my kids? This can be an intimidating subject for many people and we want to offer some help. There are several different ways.
Pray with and for your kids. The Bible tells us that without Christ we can do nothing. He made us to seek Him, to know Him, to walk with Him, and to be in prayer with Him. Ephesians 6:4 reminds us as parents to “… bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” To be able to do this - we must seek God in prayer. But we must also pray with them. Let them see you pray. The disciples asked Jesus in Luke 11 to teach them to pray. As you grow in your walk with Jesus … teach them to pray.
Read the Bible to your kids. 2 Tim 3:16 Tells us "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness". Big or little, old or young reading through the Bible as a family will be rewarding and fun. We understand a 2 year old will not sit through 9 chapters of names in the Old Testament but a good story will capture even the shortest attention span. Below are a few we can recommend.
Start the day with a devotional and prayer as a family. There is no better way to start a morning than to spend a few minutes discussing God and praying for his guidance. Your kids will value what they see you valuing and this is an wonderful way to show them what is important. For a huge seletion of bible reading plans and devtionals check out